
By Mumzi

The Hand Of Destiny...

Everything is determined,the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star.
Human beings , vegetables , or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.
Albert Einstein

Sundays are for gathering of families, long lunches and furious debates. It was my fathers golden rule that on a Sunday we must all return home and be together over a meal. Today has been a long quiet day, spent at home.... Trying to 'fix' this pleurisy . My darling mother is too crushed and wishes to be alone to grieve. Beloved Kate arrived with good cheer for an hour . She held up this graceful hand that Peter left to my youngest son Tom so that I could take a photograph of it. And then spend hours contemplating on destiny.. Who holds the string?

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