A Yellow Rose

Wow 365 where did that year go. When I started blip I wasn't sure I would manage a photo a day but I didn't realise how addictive it was and how therapeutic and enjoyable photography would be. It has been great to get to know so many people through looking at their wonderful pictures and reading their journals. I would like to say a big thank you to all those who have taken the time to view my photos and comment and for all the stars and hearts, I really do appreciate it.

I hope to be able to complete another year although my obsession with blip may drive my family mad, I think they have now got use to me stopping the car and shouting pass me my camera I've seen a good blip.

The significance of a yellow rose, well apparently it represents happiness which is what I feel when taking pictures and getting my blip for the day. So thank you again my blip friends and I look forward to spending the coming year with you.

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