
By LadyFindhorn

Terrachoccie Warriors

It was quite a different day from yesterday and the light was cold and grey. To liven things up (well everything is relative!)) we took ourselves off to Dobbie's Garden Centre for a coffee and some naughty calories , but ostensibly to look at fruit trees for planting in the castle grounds. We made the mistake 2 years ago of planting an apple tree which we failed to notice was grafted on to a dwarf rootstock, so that although the wee thing gave us a goodly crop of apples this year, you could hardly see it amongst the shrubs. And so his Lordship is looking to move it to a better position and plant a more manly tree in its place.
Whilst at Dobbies, I noticed their Christmas range is increasing and while trying hard to ignore the cards and tinsel and wrapping paper, I did see these chocolate santas which reminded me of the terracotta warriors in China, and thought they were worthy of a exceptionally pre -Christmas blip. I wouldn't be surprised if they were mouldy come 25th December.

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