
My angel card word I received at the New Years retreat for the coming year, Patience...

...My word I received for Star Saturday for this coming year, Patience.

...I think God is trying to tell me something, now I just need to listen...

Today is Epiphany Sunday aka " Star Sunday." We receive words. It's such a cool thing we do at our church. The word you receive is the word to guide you for the year, just like the star guided the Wise Men to the baby Jesus. I received my star last night at the Saturday Night service. I was pretty blown away that I received the word patience because last Saturday at the News Years retreat I received that same word in an angel card. That really doesn't happen. Church was actually cancelled this morning due to weather. I know many were excited to received their stars today. I'm certain they will get them next week. The roads and sidewalks were a sheet of ice, very crazy weather we are having here lately.

"How many days till spring", she asked, (the one with no patience :) .

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