Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

My new friend

He is a water feature. I went shopping with my neighbour (Doreen) yesterday, we went looking for a wedding present for my other neighbour who is getting married tomorrow, we had a collection from the neighbours and we had quite a bit of money to spend. So Doreen and I went shopping yesterday, we bought a digital photo frame and some lovely bath towels and we still had money left over, so it was off to the garden centre. We bought some nice pots and plants to go in them and I spotted this little fellow, I mentioned to Doreen that it might be a nice little gift for Glenys so we bought it and unbeknown to me she bought me one as I had helped her with the shopping etc. I had made the mistake of saying that 'I quite liked it' and Doreen is the same as my Mum, if you say 'I quite like it' she automatically assumes that you want it. So I now have another piece of clutter.

A long day today, up at 6.15, out at 6.45, long drive to La Manga for a game of golf which had to be postponed, as the course did not have enough buggies for us, but also one of our opponents had a phone call to say his father had had a heart attack and was in a serious condition and was being taken to the hospital in Torreveija, so he jumped in his van and legged it back home. Unfortunately he had brought 5 of his playing colleagues with him, so they where stranded. With a little bit of juggling of car space, we managed to fit them into our cars and we took them back home. So that was the good deed for the day. Our team eventually managed to get a game at another course, and my partner and I won, so we collected the money 6 euros each, enough for a cheap chineese tonight.

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