I tripped over a hare...

Can you believe it?! As I've stated in many blips, I adore hares, and am always hoping to capture one. I've managed a few times, from a distance, but today I had the perfect opportunity - and missed it!!
We went driving in the countryside, looking for deer. After two hours, when we were heading home empty handed, I spotted some deer (above) and went to try and capture them. They were at the end of a big field, so off I went, trampling over the stalks of last year's crops, trying to get as close as possible. I was fixated on the deer, trying to keep them in view while slowly moving forward. Suddenly I felt something against my left leg, followed by a frantic scrabbling. I looked down, startled, and there at my feet was a massive hare! I couldn't believe my eyes. I tried to shoot it, but it darted away into the hedgerow, and all I got was a very blurred image - which was barely recognisable as a hare. It must have been snoozing in the field, and didn't notice me as I tiptoed towards the deer! How I missed it I don't know - I guess I was just concentrating too much on the other side of the field... Mr K was waiting in the car and had spotted it, and told me later that he was wandering why I wasn't' taking a photo of it. He thought I'd definitely seen it there. I am still kicking myself!! How did I miss it!!?? Anyway, I managed to get a bit closer to the deer before they decided it was best for them to leave... I'm not very popular with the local wildlife today.

Alfred update: We had a long walk in the woods and he is back to his old self. He's on the painkillers and the test will be when he comes off them in eight days, but so far, so good! :-)

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