There and back again

By Mikes

My 730th Blip

It is on winter days like today that plans are made and details of expeditions begin to form

I first went to Dartmoor in February 1960 and immediately formed a love for this wonderful wild land. Whilst the ability to read a map and compass is essential to find ones way, that alone will not open your eyes the the history of the landscape.

The acknowledge bible for those who love the moor is Crossings Guide to Dartmoor, first published by the Western Mornining News and is now published by David & Charles. William Crossing, born on the 14th November 1847, was recognized as the leading Dartmoor authority during his life time but the sale of his books barely gave him a living. He also wrote A Hundred Years on Dartmoor and Gems in a Granite Setting

Although books on Dartmoor now abound the information contained in his books still provide information that none other can match.

I am still attempting to capture Dartmoor with my photographs, many of which have appeared on my blips over the past two years and it is the books of this man which lead me to keep exploring today.

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