A confused genius

By Lez11

Another Sumday

I do enjoy Sundays. Got up early and went to tesco to carry out my food shop. Tesco was empty today, probably because everyone's cupboards are still full from Christmas and new year. I don't get why people buy so much food over Christmas and new year, its as though there is going to be a nuclear attack and they are stocking the shelves ready. Maybe someone should tell these people the supermarket is only shut Christmas Day now!!!!

Went to Starbucks with my sister over the retail part at junction 9 M6 (pic). Then went to currys but they didn't have the DAB docking station I wanted for my iPhone. PC world had it but it was £20 dearer than currys and its own website. Surely PC world could have put it at the same price as their web site and currys as it's the same shop.

Also went on my first run in 9 weeks and I ran 4km in 26mins 22secs. I think that shows how badley out of shape I am. I want to run 5km under 30mins with in the next 4 weeks.

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