To bed....

.... Sleepy head.

Early night for me and the dogs tonight..... I'm fed up of not being able to get up when my alarm goes off......

Snooze.... Snooze.... Snooze...... My good alert mind tells me at bedtime to get up early when my alarm goes off...... My bad lazy head in the morning tells me to snooze and tells me not to get up yet, not to go for the run I planned the night before, just to have another 10 minutes.... And another and another.....
I'm always 10 minutes late.... Always kick myself for not getting up when I should have, its always tomorrow!..... I'll get up tomorrow......

Well not this time...Not from now on.... Things are gonna change.......
(and this is not a new year resolution..... It's a fed up lazy burd who's gonna get her bum into gear......!!!)
I'm getting up at snooze...... Nope.... Nothing..... Just alarm & get up!!......

Night night!!

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