
By cabbagetree

Foothills Snow

Winter has returned all right. There was a little slushy snow on the ground this morning, nothing much. However the snow was quite low on the foothills. The southerly wind was very cold as I took photos this morning. The clouds were still low, but you may catch a glimpse of the lower reaches of mountains in this shot.

This afternoon the clouds lifted to reveal the mountains. They looked magnificent, but the fresh snowfall was fairly light. It will probably burn off quickly.

The trees in the foreground show the effects of north westerly gales- many are leaning. I have blipped these trees before, here and here, but from the other side.

With snow so close we will get worse frosts for a while. I will have to redouble my efforts to save my fruit crop. There are no frost tender plants in the garden as yet. The tomatoes and cucumbers I"ve raised from seed are still safe in a sunny corner of the livingroom. Others are in the greenhouse.

A pair of lambs was born early this morning, just out from my kitchen window. The poor little things looked so wet and miserable. One kept going for the wrong end to feed. The ewe was gentle and patient, nudging it in the right direction. The other was on to it, tail wagging vigorously. It took a couple of hours for the lamb to find the right spot. Now they are sleeping in the sunshine as the ewe eats grass.

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