Family Dog

By Family_Dog

And this little piggy went.....

.....back in the box for another year.

Things I have learnt this festive season:

Do not plan to have guests 7 days in a row. This is madness in many ways but also ensures you never ever leave the bloody house.

No matter how much milk you buy, you will always run out if you drink White Russians for entire days.

The children will always end up playing with their old toys after 2 days of new toy madness.

There is such a thing as too much cheese.

The telly at Christmas time is utter crap if you don't have kids.

I do not have a singing voice for hymns.

All good stuff to remember for next year. In the meantime, this year is all about losing weight, being more organised, seeing more of people I love, drinking less, yadda yadda, blah dee blah etc. etc. et.

Happy new year Blipland. I am glad to be out of
The Bubble! X

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