A Cuddle for Grandma

Ewan is a fortnight old today and is unbelievably 'good'; he hardly ever cries for food since it is usually on tap; he doesn't appear to suffer from wind and he knows how to behave when His Grandmother and stepGrandfather come visiting.

Although I had counted all his toes and digits last week and found them all present and correct, His Lordship was anxious to confirm the count and I was anxious to hand over the latest knitting product from the Dower House Cottage industry, but which judging from the extra size apparent on this cardigan, will have to wait awhile until he gets much bigger.

With his big sister back at school and confident on her news story for the Christmas break, he had the floor all to himself, but decided to sleep through our lunch after he had had his.
Such thoughtful behaviour has earned him many brownie points from HL who harbours Victorian ideas of children being seen and not heard.

We left the parents to register his birth while we returned to an Edinburgh rainier than Glasgow. January never disappoints.

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