RIP Jake

In November 2000 we got a 10 month old dog from Stadhampton animal sanctuary. He came with the name Jake. He became a much loved member of the family.
He wasn't the easiest of dogs - he had terrible separation anxiety and a destructive nature (he once ate through the front door when left alone for 4 hours!), but we still loved and cared for him.
My first ever blip was of Jake and my daughter. And he often popped up in my blips. In February we got his pawprint imortalized in paint. The end result looking like this. In March with lamb ears on. Jake and his bat like ears. In may I took this photo - probably one of my most favourite recent ones of Jake. In July, a fluffy paw close up. Mr Wenlock and Jake. And for his 14th birthday I got him this wonderful squeaky toy.

Although I took some photos of Jake today, before we went to the vets, I wanted to remember him more when he was happier, so am using one I took back in July of him nodding off to sleep in the back garden.

Sadly Jake had got to the point of not having a good quality of life, and today we had to make the heart wrenching decision to have him put to sleep. It is breaking my heart. I can not stop crying, but I know it was the right thing to do for him. RIP Jakie Boy. Love you.

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