
By amylaxjohnson

Hello World, Scribbles here!

This is Scribbles, we were reunited today!! He's my university pet and is the most adorable, least lethal hamster I've ever owned. He's pretty chubs (and that's an understatement) but he was apparently the fattest hamster for his age that the local Pets At Home ever had.

In other news, I returned to University! Had a hilarious day with the housemates and then went to a pub called 'The Bowling Green' which I will definitely get a picture of one day, as it's amazing! I don't understand why more students don't go there, prices are cheap, manager is lovely, good toilets....AND A FREE JUKEBOX. Amazing.

We also grilled my friend Paddy on his music knowledge. He couldn't name all four Beatles. I despair for my generation.

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