all tuckered out

Laney had a busy week keeping up with our 14 month old grandson, not to mention her romps with my son-in-law.
Today we drove the little family to Denver in hopes of finding a flight back East for them. It seems the one they procured for today was not really for today, but for tomorrow instead!
That would not do with work schedules, and school schedules for the two older grandsons who are staying with another set of grandparents, so off we went to plead in person rather than wait for an airline customer service rep to answer our calls.
And finally two seats opened up for a 3:30 flight to Baltimore, not exactly their home destination, but close enough to rent a car and drive the rest of the way.
So when the plane took off at 5 pm instead of 3:30, it was still a celebratory moment!
Now the house is quiet, and hubby, Laney and I are noticing our fatigue!
But isn't it always worth it?!

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