Another visit to the orthodontist

I chose to work from home today as my daughter had an appointment with the orthodontist at 12.15. My son was also at home and revising for his exams.
He had rugby training at midday so I dropped him off at school before picking up daughter #1 from her school and take her to the orthodontist. Her teeth seems to be doing very well.
I then dropped her back at school.
Daughter #2 had another rehearsal at the rose theatre and had to be there for 5.30. As she was only there for an hour and a quarter, I decided to stay in kingston and wait for her. I had parked my car at the Eden Walk car park but when we walked up towards the car, the car park assistant came down on his motorbike ( obviously on his way home). He said that the car park had closed at 6.30pm and that I would need to come back in the morning to pick it up. I begged him to let me pick up the car. Hesitantly, he did a u turn on his bike and went back up to open the barriers for me. I was so grateful.

I received some bad news tonight. One of the players of the bridge club that I attend every Tuesday passed away in his sleep on Saturday night. Subesh taught me a lot and I really enjoyed his humour. He was only in his late fifties. He will definitely be missed by many.

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