Twas a Toss Up

Between this and the sunset and this won, it's not as
dramatic but will suffice for today. I waited in for the
boiler guy to come and service our very old boiler
which fingers crossed is still going ok only a minor
thingy to replace, anyhoo he never stopped talking
I think I must have that sort of face, I have had in the
past all types talk to me, maybe working at an advice
centre & a bit of counselling and being able to just
listen, I have met a lot o folk that just don't listen I
reckon it's an art, ok that's enough shite from
me, our weather has been loverrrly sunny and mild
hope your all having a great day. Oh & my thoughts
are with the folk who's homes are flooded and the
freezing conditions in America stay dry & warm my
lovely blippery blippers :-D

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