
By Wrighty


Not what it seems though. I've always been a fussy eater and pretty much avoided eating those things that are deemed to be good for you: veg, salad, wholemeal stuff. Apart from fruit, my diet was pretty poor.

So, to redress this, I purchased a Nutribullet- yep, a bloke on the shopping channels!- as I thought that making drinks/smoothies from all the healthy stuff would be my only realistic way of getting anywhere near my 5 a Day.
So, experimenting with a something I'd never be temped to eat whole, here's my carrot and beetroot concoction.

In case you're interested:
One beetroot
One carrot
A few red grapes
A small chunk of ginger
The contents of a Green Tea teabag

I approached with some trepidation, but was very pleasantly surprised. It will be made again and as far as I know, it's the first beetroot ever to hit my digestive system.

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