
By Chrissie1butter

Shooting stars

Tuesdays are my days for nursery/School run

Picked up Alexia from nursery then straight on to pick up Georgina up from school.
They were very excited to get home and try out the it new craft set purchased from Dunelm.......we jade a crown with stars all around and spectacles with stars just like dame Edna's .
Wasted loads of time today trying to download the online photography course ( birthday present) seems that it's not compatible with iPad ( bummer). So I have had to drag my old laptop out ( which is really slow and I hate it)
The course started on 4th January so I'm a bit behind so I went out to take a few shots
Whilst the sun shone, but guess what? By the time I got to my destination
( Bruntwood park) which only a couple of miles from me.... It was pouring down and really dull, needless to say the shots were " bobbins"
I have got to have 3 decent shots downloaded in a weeks time, my confidence is going down the grid .

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