Daily Wild

By emyjane

Cherry unwrapped

Best viewed *larger*

Best I could do today, even though the sun was shining, I was wearing inadequate trousers (as they're comfortable) & so my legs were extremely cold. I so wanted to go out somewhere today, as the wind has kind of dropped & not had any rain (shock horror) since this morning - but plumber came to fit the new boiler, still not done & I didn't feel well, yet still managed an hour at the gym, doubt I'll go tomorrow though :(


Larry comfort

I've been sitting by the wood burner for most of the day - watching Sherlock 'The Sign of Three' for the 3rd time - I loved it, personally, it's one of my favourite episodes, but it's got A LOT of hate, which is a shame, it was just Sherlock at a different angle, a different take, relaxed, loosened & utter genius - but poor Sherlock, he tried so hard to be *human*, you kind of wonder, why on earth did he bother? I'll say no more... don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it - but go watch it with an open mind when you do, as 'His Last Vow' is going to be a heart wrenching roller-coaster, you've been warned! xxx

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