All that jazz

By frankbrett

Music at Home

35-40 years ago, I was a good bass player (though I say so myself). I even made a bit of money out of it, but raising a family and pursuing a 'career' put paid to it. Ros bought me a new bass about a year ago, but I haven't done much with it. Now that Father Christmas has added a practice amp, things may take a turn for the better. I need to get my fingers used to playing again, then we'll see.

This follows on from one of my resolutions to discover new music this year (the other is to take photography more seriously). If I could play anything like Andrew Levy of the Brand New Heavies (I wish!) by the end of 2014, then I think I will have achieved something :)

Anyway, onwards and upwards!


PS anyone else having problems uploading to Blip in the evenings lately? I think Blipfoto is becoming so popular it can't cope.

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