Family of three.

By livingbythesea

I had such a lovely day off today.
Mind you the start wasn't the greatest. After the school runs I had to take Boo back over to the vets. Her paws are no better and in herself she is worse, she spends 95% of her day hidden in the cupboard. I saw a different vet who said she has seen nothing like it before and it looks like it has begun to spread to the back paws too. So today we had another injection, this time of steroids and we have a weeks worth of antibiotics and another appointment for Monday (Boo is not happy about this as the car journey makes her howl). If there is no improvement then she will have to stay in for x-rays and a biopsy.

Collected Miss Fern on the way back home and then we met Jayne and headed along the seafront for coffee. I haven't had the chance to get along the front yet to see the rough sea. It's pretty impressive and although I got a fair few wave shots (like everyone else in Lyme) I loved this simple calm one of a couple strolling along the shore best.

Had a great time catching up with the girls, we really haven't had time to do it enough lately. They can always be guaranteed to make me laugh, and I love our chats. This afternoon I popped round to Paul's as he had the day at home, came home with more bits for my new look front room. Lovely to sit and have a coffee and chats there too. All this adult conversation I've had today!!!

After collecting the children from school we took Erin up to her gymnastics class and Jack and I went down to the beach. The tide was out by then so the waves weren't that good but we were happy and even found a few fossils. Collected Erin and discovered that she is being moved up a group, well done my talented girl. That's her and Jack improving well in their out of school activities so very proud of them both.

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