
By middaypyjamas

The White City

Today started with another flight, leaving from Lima and arriving in Arequipa, the view of which included the Andes and is today's blip. On this flight Willy's and my luggage got left behind due to them giving both our packs his name. To the airlines credit we do look pretty similar, you know, for two people who look nothing alike. We filled in some forms and were ensured we would be getting our luggage back soon.

We headed into town, nicknamed 'The White City' due to a number of the buildings having been made from the volcanic dust and therefore being very white. After checking into our beautiful hostel (which was white!) we had a walking tour of the city where we visited a cathedral and an incredible monastery. The monastery was basically a city within a city it was so big, and was and is used for the nuns in that area. It was incredibly beautiful with all the walls and passage ways being painted in vibrant colours. I had a very tough time choosing between photos of the monastery or the landscape view for todays blip and I having a feeling I'm going to have many more hard decisions to make blip wise before I'm done. Maybe I can make an account on another photo sharing site to put more photos up, if I do I'll be sure to share it on blip.

Our night consisted of a dinner overlooking the gorgeous city square, where Holly had her first meal of alpaca and Willy ate a guinea pig which was served up, head, claws and all!

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