The Red Lichtie

By kaz125

Todays star is....


When we first got Mayar the Dogs Trust warned us that she might always need to stay on a lead when out for a walk and for much of last year she she has been to the beach with one of us holding a 20m lead. We have gradually trusted her more and now we take her for walks on a very quiet beach and have a 5m lead attached to her so she is easier to catch if she gets distracted. As time goes on we have noticed less and less need for the 5m lead but still keep it more for our reassurance rather than need for it to be there.
Today she was running on the beach when she suddenly spotted a german shepherd standing there( its owner was sitting by the dunes where most dogs get walked) so she went running over. We shouted Mayar back and after a quick hello to the German shepherd she turned and came running back to us. Shes still not perfect and needs a lot more recall practice but on days like this when she does what she is asked rather than what instinct tells her she is our star,

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