Bristol Student

By MayGreene

Don't know why I am looking so smug in this picture - my arm killed! I had to have my implant refitted. And for those of you who don't know, it's like a 4 inch plastic stick in your arm. My nurse assured me that the worst bit was the eqaully long anesthetic needle they use, then it only takes a minute to get it out and have another in.
Suffice to say, with my luck, that was a bareface lie.
25 minutes later, she was still trying to get this thing out of my arm and had to call in another nurse to do it. That other nurse then took ten minutes until finally she used brute strength and forced it out. Eeesh. The first nurse said sorry to me and said that it was the first ever one shed not been able to remove. Apparently it was stuck in my muscle???

I went home and called my boyfriend, and he cheered me up by saying "But replace implant with baby and arm with vagina and this story could've been so much worse"
Love him so much!

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