A sunny day at last!!!!

Wonderful to get a sunny day, it seems so long since we had one!!!!

Got a washing out early, didn't fully dry but it had a good blow! The HG stayed in bed late this morning, but it did him good, and he has had a quiet day - he has enjoyed being waited on hand and foot. Took Lemmy's advice and got out the nursey outfit :-)

In the afternoon one of his mates came round to keep him company for a bit. I had to go to the hospital (yes, that was a thrill, I seem to have lived there for the last few days) as I had to have a mark on my face treated. It is not dangerous at all, but they zapped it with liquid nitrogen and it should give me no bother.

Stopped in at the town centre and bought some sale items, pyjamas for the HG and underwear for both of us...... always good to get these things at half price.

Didn't take many photos today, but liked this one for the coal tit at the feeder.

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