A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

The dilemma dilemna

I had reason today to type the word "dilemna" into a computer and was shocked to see the little red squiggle of shame appear underneath it. I right clicked and it suggested "dilemma". But no that's wrong surely! I googled it and found a whole webpage devoted to the subject. I am not the only one it would seem.

However the explanation they give is a good one:-

Many years ago scientists began discussing the possibility of 'multiple universes and dimensions'. This idea has now achieved widespread support for the simple reason that not only is it a possible explanation it's almost an inevitable conclusion because otherwise all the mathematical sums struggle to add up. For example, gravity should in theory be many times stronger than it actually is and it's postulated that the reason is that much of its power is spread over multiple dimensions or parallel universes. At the time, alternate universe enthusiast Marden Paul put forward the theory that Dilemna people had all somehow crossed over into this different 'Dilemma' spelling universe and that's why they are universally staggered to discover that not only are they wrong but there's no trace of an N spelling anywhere in the history of this universe!

I feel sure I have talked about this theory before on Blip in relation to teaspoons. But I can find no trace of it. Has my teaspoon Blip vanished into a different universe? Or have I?

Ages ago I used to find a teaspoon in the bottom of the washing up bowl whenever I tipped it out, despite prior searching. Every time. One day, I tipped the bowl out and did not find a teaspoon. I experienced a jolt so profound that I came up with the idea that I had been transported to a different universe, one in which teaspoons simply do not occur in the bottom of washing up bowls. I did not experience another teaspoon until one day a couple of years ago I did, and experienced a similar jolt!

Today has been one of the very few times I have ever experienced one of these jolts in a non-teaspoony setting - the jolt on discovering that "dilemna" is actually spelt "dilemma" and always has been. Here is my Collins Concise to confirm it.

1. Position in fact or argument offering choice only between unwelcome alternatives
2. Predicament

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