
By CarmenC

My little powerhouse camera

This is my beloved Nikon V1. Nikon's rather maligned entry into the compact system camera field -IMO very unfairly so as I think it is an amazing if odd camera and a little powerhouse in use. Still the good news for me was that due to the poor sales and the V2 coming out I was able to pick up a used V1 with the kit (but actually rather good) 10-30mm VR for only £179 .... and soon got completely hooked!!

All of my photos on Blip up until this one have been taken with the V1. Today was the first time I've dragged my D800 and 24-70 out of the cupboard. When I say dragged. I MEAN dragged - flipping heck that combo is heavy....!! I didn't think anything of it before but after using the V1 exclusively for the last month or so I think my muscles have atrophied!!

I really need to get back in training. I do love the D800 and I have missed
the high ISO quality and the extraordinary detail and shallow DOF that it offers a little but to be honest not that much! Heck I've found myself unable to tell which shots were from the D800 and which from the V1 in outdoor shooting situations sometimes... it really is that hard to tell as despite it's lowly 10MP the V1 captures way more detail than you'd expect.

THe V1 is pictured here is with the 18.5 F1.8 which I love, it weighs absolutely nothing but is a very nice little lens giving a 50mm equivalent field of view.

Also pictured here is my "botch it" attempt to stop my "accessory port" cover from going missing... a "lens cap keeper" attached to the strap. So far so good, some places charge silly money for a replacement port cover!

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