The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Ratty old bat ..

I have been very irritable today - poor mum, it's not her fault, but it gets very tiresome listening to all the rubbish she spouts and waiting for her to carry out various bonkers rituals. I try to sound jolly and breezily say 'Oh, there's no need to do that today, mum' ..

The CPN came this afternoon and I spoke to her about all this stuff. I used to try to understand what mum was rambling on about .. but as time goes on it becomes harder and harder to make any sense of some of these rambles.

The CPN said just nod and say yes and don't feel the need to understand, because it's all stuff in her head.

She has a memory test a couple of years ago and scored 98% .. in the one she took before Christmas she scored 54%. Pretty dramatic, huh?

I managed to grab an hour in the park with my camera. I expect I looked pretty dodgy hanging around the children's playground with my camera - but I loved this crow looking at the crow's nest on the climbing frame - but I don't think the visual pun/link really comes across in the photo.

So here's a cheeky squirrel ...

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