From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Having a blether!

You know, it gets worse every day in McDonalds? Today it reminded me of a high dependency ward in a hospital because the lights were muted and there was a constant 'beep-beep-beep' sound coming from behind the counter. It was like a heart monitor. I tell you I nearly shit myself spilt my tea when the 'beep-beep-beep' was replaced by a sudden loud, long shrill 'beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep' instead. I had to check I was actually still alive before I left my tea covered table and fled to the council house. I didn't have any weird dreams last night thank goodness, maybe because I could not even doze off.

I was let in almost immediately and was drinking peppermint tea for a change five minutes later. In the office I tend to drink lemon tea out of a jar most of the time as it's quick and easy. Drinking that stuff for 27 years at work has made me rather sour faced and acid tongued. I brought in some peppermint tea bags for a change and also they are kinder to my poor tummy which has been all over the place lately, going round like a washing machine on fast spin.

The office filled up gradually and it was a quite peaceful day trundling along quite nicely with no big dramas I am glad to say, unless you count me going in the Gents' loo in the Social Services bit in my half asleep state. Thankfully no one saw me and there was no one in the loo so I backed out quickly without incident. Horror of horrors!

I wandered out at lunchtime with my camera but felt totally uninspired and headed back towards the council house but then spotted Phil McIntosh (HR) and Andrew (Oracle DBA) standing around having a blether. They saw me as I approached but Phil groaned in horror seeing my camera and turned round so I thought I'd use this one instead as they were both unawares at that stage. I liked the grumpy woman sat on the bench!

When I got home, I stupidly felt sorry for the squirrel looking mournfully from the shed roof as the nuts had run out. I went out in my slippers in the pouring rain, refilled the nut holder and then slipped in the muddy bit by the shed on the way back. I have a sore arse and have had to put my black work jeans in the washing machine.

Did that furry fiend thank me by posing for a shot? No! I didn't see the little git at all and then it went dark.

Track? Gary Moore today - Story Of The Blues

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