
Our trip in to London today was for B to receive the “Freedom of the City of London” at the Chamberlain’s Court at the Guildhall. We have attended once before when daughter R received her “Freedom” last year.

Murray Craig, Clerk of the Chamberlain’s Court has an expansive knowledge about famous recipients who were given honorary awards. Today he told us about Henry Morton Stanley, journalist and explorer, known by his words “Dr Livingston, I presume”. Also Florence Nightingale whose award wasn’t made until she was 91 and too frail to attend. He is fascinating to listen to!!

After the ceremony we got the tube to Kensington Palace, had lunch in the Orangery, before viewing the newly revamped public areas of the Palace.

I’ve been there twice before (B’s first visit) and found this visit a bit confusing. Some of the previous public areas are now in Royal occupancy, so the viewing routes have changed and some “very interesting” areas of more recent history are no longer accessible!! I will probably have bought a book about the palace when I first visited, so will try to retrieve it to compare with today’s details.

One area that fascinated me was a corridor with "Princess Di" wallpaper. It had previously led to an exhibition area, but now leads to the lift and the loos. I wonder if some of it will be preserved as part of modern history!!

I’ve managed to survived the early part of the day without annoying too many people with my cough, but the best place for me tonight will be the spare room, where I can cough my little heart out with minimal disturbance for B. I’m fed up taking cough medicine which has little or no effect, so have had a stiff G & T tonight to see if that helps!!

All in all it has been a great day!!

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