If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

A fine day!

At long last the weather seems to have improved a little. Two days running with out lashing rain.

We were notified last night that we were likely to have unexpected guests in the Lodge for at least a fortnight. Great! Apart from the fact that as we weren't expecting any guests I had been procrastinating a little on getting the washing done.

This as you might expect has caused quite a flurry of washing and drying. Now comes the pressing.

In among it all it was decided we needed more milk so I nipped out to get some and take the chance of getting a few shots. While getting the milk I bumped into a past pupil (always a time wasting situation) and this was no exception so after a chat and catch upon what he was doing now it was back to get on with the laundry.

This shot is of the dusting of snow along the High Street range.

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