Where's ma?
That's the question my sis put to me on the phone at noon; she'd made a phonecall to our mum a little earlier, but ma had not picked up that call. And altho' the weather was too foul to suggest she'd gone for a walk she'd not answered so where was she?!
As I live close by our mum's I promissed my sis to take a look... then discovered she was in bed still.
Her cough and the foul rainy & dark weather had made her stay in bed ~ fortunately she had no fever, no pains, not diseased so I decided she should get up and take some brunch. In former times she'd do all this on her own account, now this selfreliance is leaving her and it's like taking her by her hand and leading her thro' the day more & more.
Ofcourse we'd phoned my sis on my arrival in order to reassure her too
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