Cheesy grin

4years 79days

Katie was exceptional this morning. As we were waking up I read a text that called me to work very quickly. And the taxi company could only send a taxi then or not for ages. So she helped us to get out really quickly, not making a fuss and just getting on with it.

When I arrived to her, she was cuddled with Lesley who said Katie had given her lots of kisses and cuddles today. She was pleased I has arrived but disgruntled to miss tea, until she saw it was soup. The new nursery chef has not yet won her affections!

Today was the final session in grade 1. She swam really well. When they are practising breast stroke legs, they use woggles but Katie doesn't swim as well with a woggle or floats for that. Her teacher doubted me when I told her so, I could see. So she tried to get Katie to use floats. Katie didn't go very far although her leg action was correct. The next time, she let her just go. Katie went really fast, still with good technique. She was thrilled to get her certificate and first proper swimming badge and move on to grade 2.

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