Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


Tea is
a good


After my power walk and jog this morning I became strangely grumpy. Well, I know what could make me like this, but it seldom does. Went in to work with the feeling that if anyone says something snappy today I will growl at them… Not good…
Fortunately a friend of mine came and the tiger in me slowly turned into a cat… We met at the Red Cross and I had the fortune to became friends with her. :)
Then the day just got better and better and better. And I did something I very, very, very seldom does!! I sang a happy birthday song loudly!! I was surprised afterwards, to say the least! :D
The last hour was just laughs and jokes with a mischievous young one. My jaws are hurting from laughing every time I sit with him. And it continued all the way to the bus stop were we said goodbye. :D But, after almost four hours teaching Swedish, speaking English and of course some few words of Arabic and Kurdish, I was very, very tired when I got home. So, this evening I will just do my nails and drink tea…
This very large cup I got as a Christmas present from one of my cosines and her boyfriend. The tea came with it and it tasted just lovely! :)
Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and then work. My friend got homework from me and I also have given the youngling some, so I have my day planned!

The weather report for the last week or so, has been warning us about the cold and the snow storm that will arrive tomorrow, but tonights report was not that bad. Yes, it will get colder and yes it might snow a bit, but nothing major. So the planned snow storm blip for tomorrow might just have to wait…

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