The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Large Red Slug

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your lovely comments, stars and faves for my 300th entry, I will be getting round to answering you all very soon. you really are the best!!
I found this beauty slithering across my front garden path yesterday evening when I went to take Mr U&L to his Model Railway club. I picked it up (as I nearly trod on it!) with a mind to move it onto the garden, but then decided that it would make a good Blip subject for today.
So I popped him in a container with some lettuce, and after work today I took a few shots then placed him back in the garden near where I found him.
This is a Large Red Slug - Arion ater. It is common and widespread throughout the UK , and can reach up to 12cm in length. It is either orange-red or black in colour with a stripy orange skirt, and when alarmed will contract into a spherical shape (like this one), it is rarely a problem in arable crops.
I quite like slugs or sluds as my daughter used to call them, this one took ages to unravel enough for me to see his antennae, but he does have a beautifl stripy skirt!

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