Beautiful day for fishing

Walking along the North Bank of the Thames this morning to work, I enjoyed watching the cormorants fishing for eels in the river. They all seemed to come up empty, though. Perhaps the eels were hiding from those crafty beaks.

Work, work, work, but not too bad for a Monday. In the evening, I went with Fred to the Brixton Windmill, which is in an unlikely place for a gig, set in a suburban road. Apparently there's a dog that lives on the roof - a sign on the bar said 'I believe in Roof Dog'. We liked that.

We went there to see three bands: Joy of Sex (fresh-sounding, punky sorts - we liked them), Stained Glass Heroes (really excellent space-age dancy stuff - I loved them!), and Immaculate Machine (all the way from Vancouver Island - I have several of their albums and really enjoyed the set, though the band members are mostly new to the band).

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