It's getting late!

I found it hard to wake up this morning, it's all catching up with me! A couple of friends came to help me today. We built two large wardrobes for study storage and adjusted all the study shelving. We did have a little trauma during construction. The moral is, don't let go at a critical stage! A little repair job is now needed. :-)

Cupboards built, it is now ready to start the unpacking in the study. That took most of the day and I only made it to the recycling with five minutes to spare. Then it was back to the old house to finish the cleaning. I have now closed the door there for the last time!

Back home and time to get something to eat. A couple of phone calls later it was getting late and no blip. I was too tired to set anything up so I went for the easy option to reflect the late hour. Please try large for more detail.

I haven't felt as though I had made much progress on the unpacking but now it feels all set to get things put away and make the place look a bit straighter, time is ticking by fast. A full day of unpacking tomorrow should help.

Past selection of moon shots.

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