kitty stalking...
...of the princess diva
get out of my face, mama... meep - meep
i'm not near your face, gracie
yes you are...meep - you've been following me around all day now... meep - meep
that's because i want to get a picture of you - but you're avoiding me
'cuz i don't want you to put that black box in my face - meep - meep... i've been reading about privacy in the "kitty times"... it says we have rights - should stand up for them and that's what i'm doing... meep - meep
boo! diva - you're a cat - you live in my house - i merely desire to take a photo of your precious kitty face - i don't think that's any huge violation of your kitty rights - mind you i'm trying to say this with a straight face
well - i just don't enjoy you stalking me, mama - and it's my house, too, isn't it? i live here with you... meep - meep
oh gracie - don't get all snarky on me - see, i'm retreating - do i need to get a white flag out? next thing i know - you'll be dragging me into small claims court for breach of contract - sheesh princess -
it's a new year, mama... meep - meep - i thought i'd test out one of my new kitty resolutions to believe in myself - i'm trying to purr-fect my inner kitty - meep - meep
cute - princess - i especially enjoy the play on words - so you do that and we'll all call it...
happy day.....
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