
By thenameszoe

Knowledge is important

Today was mostly spent with 8 hours of walking from class to class, talking to friends and learning things that may seem like I will never need, yet the teachers basically say deal with it.

I am never one to say "I hate school" but I don't love it either. I am always ready to go to science and maybe English but anything other then that just bores me I guess. And don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against math or history, I guess they are just not my cup of tea.

To me it all depends on the teacher. If the teacher can be enthusiastic and make me want to learn, then I am all for it. I would rather have that then just sitting at home all day with nothing to do, which can be quite surprising to some people.

But the lesson for today is to soak in as much knowledge as you can, and I know I'm only 15 but learning is important. Even if you have a test that you stressed out about or you didn't take the best notes, just remember to always do your best, school wise or not!

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