"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy"

This little tufted titmouse and I seemed to be in agreement on this one. ;)

I don't know where the day went... but it was a busy one from top to bottom. I'm posting much later than usual and having a hard time keeping my eyes open as I type.

Now, I really should learn to preview my images on the computer as I take them... Per usual, I took many images as the day started (you know, the just incase I don't find anything else to blip shots), and today not many more were recorded. Oops, as I said, I really should preview those shots. Nothing, and I mean Nothing turned out worth a hoot from this morning and I only just happened to take a couple more shots as I jumped in the car this afternoon. I was hurrying to an appointment, but the sun was too exciting to ignore. So I snapped a few of this feeder and it's visitors enjoying their lunch in the sun. Good thing, as it's much too dark for anymore shots tonight!

I'm off to bed and will catch up in the morning. This screen is starting to get a bit blurry... ;)

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