An Odyssey.

By boniverful


9 January 1998 - Cosmologists announce in 'Science' that the expansion rate of the universe is increasing.
- Remaining days: 356

Unfortunately, this is my first backdated Blip. I had hoped that this moment wouldn’t come but in the end there is no escaping of it. Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Hume and Kant had the upper hand. The next exam is ‘Introduction to historical criticism’.

In this prospect I just took a picture of what I see every day from my desk. It features my traditionally brick-build dorm building and a highly industrial-based, high-tech construction behind it. The facade materials from the latter are deliberately sober and a choice for timeless. The outer side is provided with movable blinds from aluminium placed vertical. These "living" blinds depend on the position and intensity of the sun and provide a different view of the tower on every single moment of the day.

It houses the ‘Artevelde University College’ on the highest point of Ghent (approximately 28m), namely the hill 'Blandijnberg' near the St. Peter’s Abbey.
The abbey has a very rich history going back to the 7th century involving its origins, education, cultivation, preservation of culture and has been demolished and restored several times in its history. Around 1950 the city decided to restore St. Peter’s Abbey and gave it a cultural function.
It has become a place where people meet and discover. Personally, I adore the monk loft that they have made available for students to study during exam periods which you access by a little steeple – the place where the Benedictine monks for centuries copied manuscripts and prayed - the atmosphere and odour are priceless.
You can also enjoy from a visit to the garden on the slope to the river ‘Muinscheldt’ where the monks cultivated white grapes or have a look in the museum ‘Wereld van Kina’ or the art gallery where you get a guided tour by the virtual monk Alison. Nowadays, vines re-grow and apple trees flourish between the ruins of hope and duality.

The Romanesque influences in the architecture of the abbey are characterized by small arched windows and decorations with well-rounded arches. It is something that thrills me every time I pass the St. Peters square to my faculty ‘Arts and Philosophy’ from Ghent University.
Ironically the style comes from the Carolingian architecture style, in which principles of Roman architecture were rediscovered contrary to general beliefs.

Contrast is actually a difficult word to define if you think about it. Depending in which context you use it differs in meaning; a striking exhibition of unlikeness (general), in a way that can serve to distinguish meanings (linguistics) or the relative difference between light and dark areas of a print or negative (photography),...

Contrast is really everywhere.

Architecture is one of these things that is able to render those little but precious moments of happiness in me. You don’t need to visit museums, read books or travel to foreign countries to experience the magnificent history, culture and beauty of human existence. Just go out there and discover it in front of your doorstep.

- Question: What makes you appreciate the greatness of life and enjoy from every day?

- Recommendation: 'Architecture of Happiness' by Alain De Botton.

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