Well it seemed like a good idea...

For once this was almost a planned blip

this morning I was taking car 1 - a Mazda to have its air-con refreshed (groupon)

I knew I was going near here so I thought - get a bird shot

I had some better shots but this was the only one with the full swan family on

meantime the nice man at ATS reminded me that (as notified in my MOT) my front tyres needed replacing and the brakes are a month away from disaster (or some other technical term)

As I had plans for the day the tyres were done (big OUCH) brakes in ten days

fine but next week car 2 - the Fiesta - goes to get its air-con done... think I'll be paying out more again

NOT moaning I knew I was going to have to do this and the mechanics were friendly blokes

meantime my OCD has kicked in and I'm not spring cleaning I'm totally gutting rooms - I need help!

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