The Party
Things happened here this afternoon that we shall never speak of again.
13 boys
2 kilos of chocolate coated stuff
24 mini pizzas
40 sausage rolls
12 presents
2 screaming animatrices*
1 crying neighbour (girl)
1 crying boy
1 echoey house
(1 glass of wine...)
I forgot to take a before photo. I will never never never never again let CarbBoy choose who he invites to his party. Everyone invited came. And only half had RSVPd. It's a flipping French concept - how can they not understand it? Happily I had followed through on the standard family motto (mantle inherited from my Gran) of being Never Knowingly Undercatered.
All the other parents thought I was mad. Now I know why.
Earlier today, part way through my mission to coat everything edible in chocolate (by the way, chocolate dipped breadsticks were a real hit) I had to pop up to school and had a long conversation with another parent about her bill from the school (which I'd prepared, hence my job to sort out queries). Only when I came back home did I notice the attractive smear of chocolate across the bridge of my nose. Another nail in the coffin of my credibility...
Now I feel slightly overwhelmed. Might be time to up the glass of wine count...
*TallGirl and pal
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