Farewell My Friend

All days off are good days off, even today when I attended the funeral of my friend Peter. Peters funeral took the form of a a Requiem Mass at St Edwards Church in Mawnan Smith. The church was full with people standing arc the rear. The Royal Naval Association paraded their standard, complete with black garland and formed a Guard of Honour for Peters family's arrival at the church and again for Peters departure from the church, the least we could do for our shipmate.

Elsewhere Clare and I both had the day off, Clare slept and I pottered around. Having delivered the children to school via the newsagent to add Joshua's name to the paper boy waiting list I got on with some paperwork.
Following the funeral I gave the children, plus James, Joshua's friend an Italian dinner - seemed to go down well. Rugby training in the wind, rain and cold before a sleepover night with James staying.
Samantha's babysitting for some friends and I have yet to tackle the Telegraph.

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