Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Friday :-)

I saw Friday in to the wee small hours, hoping to see the Northern Lights.
Time is never wasted looking at the stars.
Felt the light breeze, felt the odd drop of rain on my face, felt good to be alive
Stayed out until the sky clouded over a bit, the hoped for aurora didn't materialize, but not disappointed.
Lazy day today
Not that I couldn't have gone out for a long walk
Just didn't want to push my luck, I've had too many setbacks.
Not a brilliant day, mostly dull, a chilly little breeze, sky started to clear again as the sun was going down
The day light hours are noticeably starting to stretch now.
My sky is clear again tonight, so the cat is sitting at the ready out on the naughty step
Caught these earlier if you want to see them
Lunar mountains
More craters
Hope that you've all had a good day

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