
By Yeda

After the kids came home from school I ran them over to the local library. As I parked the car we saw a few horses tied to a post right next to the parking lot. It was a strange sight, but not totally out of character for this town. Any who, reminded me of a joke:

Three race horses stood in their stalls. One said to other others: "I ran 20 races and I won 15 of them!" she bragged. The next said with a snort, "Well, I ran 30 races and won 25 of them!" Then the third horse spoke up proudly, "Yeah, I ran 41 races and won 39 of them!" This seemed to settle the topic when the horses noticed a Greyhound outside their stalls. The Greyhound said, "I ran 100 races and I won 99 of them." The horses looked at each other in amazement and one gasped, "Wow! A talking greyhound!"

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