
By togrrrl

Under Construction

I started a new venture today! A new volunteer job with the Ontario Federation of Ornithologists, a wonderful group that promotes birding and education about birds in Ontario. I consider it an honour to be invited to join the board.

The lobby of the building where the meeting was held was under construction. I took a picture of this wall because I liked the metaphor of building and me, starting something new. Then I saw the arrows and the metaphorical connections started multiplying -

Am I going off in all directions or the right ones?
Am I really OK?
Is this the correct path?
Am I building on my skills and passions, or am I just confused?

I really feel excited and that I'm expressing myself and contributing to something I care about, even if it's in a small way in the grand scheme of things.

Who knows where this will lead? Obviously, the sign on the wall is no guide!

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