
By Lennie


Once upon a time there was a Sheepie

He was a good boy, a merino, quite fluffy, attracted hair & I found quite funny.

He had lived his life with his mother &/or her daughter and at all points in time he was always quite happy..

One fine summers day(well it was winter but going for effect here) the daughter showed with a sheepie under one arm and a cheeky smile..

What is that for? I enquired(well what I really said was "why do you have a sheep?")

All the daughter said was "I'm testing a theory", so in my good grace I said "well ok come right in and let's give sheepie a place" what can I say I'm a sucker for a pretty face.

We had a good arvo and all was grand, though the next day she seemed to enquire.....

"How was your sleep? Was there anything not fine?" I said OK and she replied "it should have been less than devine".

You see sheepie was quite evil to the point where the mother added personified, I was disbelieving but would soon learn better.

You see he would invade people's dreams & make them quite bad, he did it to me once, but it didn't make me mad.

I showered him with love & gave him his cushion & now he is no longer bad dreams a pushing.

At the end of the day I ended up adopting him, he's now well behaved & happy, he likes watching TV and messing about though sometimes I think he likes to move eggs about.

I'm glad that the daughter brought him into my life and that he no longer causes strife.

He makes me smile and at the end, isn't that what it's all about? :)

... For B

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