The finish product!

I bought a lathe 3 years ago hoping i can make fishing lures but instead I fell in love with pens.
I could not do anything with this lathe as everything was so hard to turn. I bought so much tools and parts hoping I can figure it out later. Never did gave up!

I decided to look at some videos and did a bit of research and ask questions to the people at lee valley. They are wonderful help. I learned that you really have to find that person who knows about turning.

6 months later here I am. More knowledgeable and better. Practice makes perfect. It use to take me an entire day to make one and now just 1 hour to turn. What a difference.

As the saying goes " it's better to try and fail than to never know and always wonder"
One day I will make that special lure for that big huge fish that I will catch this summer!

Thank you all for your nice comments! Now I can add turning as one of my favourite hobbies.

Have a great weekend everybody!

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